Easton Branch Calendar


 Although meeting date may be changed in any given month due to holidays, speakers’ schedules, or other conflicts,  our regular meeting times are:

•   Easton Branch Board (Zoom) 1st Wednesday of month at 4:00 p.m.  Members are always welcome. Request zoom link at aauweastonmd@gmail.com. 

•  Easton Branch Zoom Meetings – as scheduled

•   Easton Branch  Book Group –  All Branch Members welcome.
We usually meet on the 4th Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m.  Contact Group Facilitator Pat Crane at chuckpat@goeaston.net  for more information



August 7, 4:00 pm – Easton Branch Board Meeting on Zoom

All members are welcome to attend. Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86149473130?pwd=bj3aAgzErPMMuWoQjAjL7HSalGxysv.1#success

August 18, 11:30 am – Lunch at Anthony’s Italian Restaurant, 26342 Oxford Road, Oxford

Lunch will be followed by attendance at the Tred Avons Players production of The Hallelujahs Girls at the Oxford Community Center. Spouses/ partners are welcome, and you may choose to lunch and attend the play or do just one or the other. Please make your own reservation for the play. If you’re coming for lunch, RSVP to Pat Crane: chuckpat@goeaston.net

Wednesday,August 28, at 1:00 What Storm, What Thunder by Myriam J. A. Chancy.
This 2024 One Maryland, One Book selection, is a widely praised novel about people affected by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti.

Sept. 27-29    AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference in Glen Allen, VA.  

You’ll find conference information at https://www.aauwatlanticregionalconference.com/ 

More upcoming  Book Club Selections”

Lysistratra by Aristophanes, trans. by Sarah Ruden. This is the classic Greek comedy about how the women of Athens stop a war by denying the men sex. (Lysistrata means, literally, “army disbander.”) Do read this classic Greek comedy in Ruden’s excellent contemporary translation, which accurately renders the bawdiness of the original.